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Provocateur and Devil's in The Details with Natalia Nightshade

Date: Friday 11th April

Time: from 18:00


Time: 18:00 - 19:30

Price: £55

Explore the art of teasing and tantalizing in this shamelessly sexy striptease workshop. Students will learn a piece of choreography that builds tension and anticipation as we slowly dance out of our layers.


Top layer: sweatpants and a loose t-shirt

Mid layer: side tie bikini (bottom and top)

Under layer: pasties and a non-tie thong or G-string

Devil's in The Details

Time: 19:45 - 21:15

Price: £55

Deep dive into the details that take movement quality from meh to magic! This technique-based class is sure to heighten your body awareness and elevate your movement. Students will dance their way through a progression with a focus on technical execution - including pacing, lines, seamless transitions and edge work.

Suitable for high beginners and up

Must be comfortable with heels and pirouettes

Heels required

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