Date: 25th January
Take Flight
Time: 13:30 - 15:00
This workshop is focused on utilising spin pole and creating beautiful shapes and showing effortless control. For the experienced pole dancers, we will look at airwalks into advanced level combos such as allegra variations, reverse ayesha and pegasus, all with fluid entries and exits. For intermediate dancers, we would explore leg hang variations and combinations, as well as genie shapes.
Honey Drop
Time: 15:15 - 16:45
But are you really moving slow?
During this workshop, the goal is to show the utmost control over our movements, by taking it as slow as we can. We will be learning a choreo designed to drop as slow as honey off a spoon, relishing every moment and finishing every movement. You are encouraged to touch yourself and embrace your own sensual expression - make youe audience feel something!
Requirement: This workshop is for all dancers, ideally you will be familiar in pirouettes and if using heels, some on pointe work may be included. Heels are optional.